Darryl L. Mamrosh, P.E.



McIntush, K.E., D.B. Myers, and D.L. Mamrosh, 10-13 Sep 2024. “Ammonium Thiosulfate Production at Refineries.” Presented at the 2024 Brimstone Sulfur Recovery Symposium, Vail, CO.


McIntush, K.E., D.L. Mamrosh, C.A.M. Beitler, B.D. Piggott, A.I. Ryan. 28-30 May 2024, “Managing the Issues Caused by Air Ingress into Geothermal Non-Condensable Gas when Capturing CO2.” Presented at 2024 Icelandic Geothermal Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.


Olafsdottir, K. U., Y. Gudmundsson, D. Mamrosh, K. McIntush, A. Ryan, B. Piggott, C.A. Beitler. “Managing Flammable Species in CO2 Capture Processes Utilizing Water Scrubbing at Geothermal Power Plants.” Presented at 2023 Geothermal Rising Conference (GRC), Reno, NV, GRC Transactions, Vol. 47, 2023, pp. 2071-2087.


Mamrosh, D., K. McIntush, J. Lundeen, C. Beitler, and K. Tyndall.  21-24 February 2022. “Consider Hazards of CO2 and H2S for CCS.”  Presented at Laurance Reid Gas Conditioning Conference 2022, Norman, OK.


McIntush, K., D. Mamrosh, C. Beitler, B. Piggott. 28-31 August 2022. “Considerations for Alternative Use of Noncondensable Gas at Geothermal Power Plants.” Presented at 2022 Geothermal Rising Conference (GRC),  Reno, NV, GRC Transactions, Vol. 45, 2022, pp. 1195-1219.


Jones, C., and D. Mamrosh. “Fundamentals – 2022 – Separation; Part I: Theory & Design and Part II: Operational Issues.” 21-24 February 2022. Presented at Laurance Reid Gas Conditioning Conference 2022, Norman, OK.


Piggott, B., K. McIntush, D. Mamrosh, C. Beitler, L. Morrison, B. Benn, B. Kershaw, D. Sveinbjörnsson, and M. Arnarson. 3-6 October 2021. “Non-Condensable Gas Composition Impacts on Carbon Capture and Water Injection.” Presented at 2021 Geothermal Rising Conference (GRC),  San Diego, CA, GRC Transactions, Vol. 45, 2021, pp. 1414-1435.


Piggott, B., D. Mamrosh, A. Ryan, R. McKaskle, and D. Myers.  22-25 February 2021. “Overview of Natural Gas Compression Options in Upstream and Midstream Operations.” Presented at Laurance Reid Gas Conditioning Conference 2021, Norman, OK.


Sachde, D.J., K.E. McIntush, C.M. Beitler, and D.L. Mamrosh. “Fire prevention and suppression for molten sulphur tanks and pits". In: Sulphur 392  (January / February, 2021), pp. 39-45.


Sachde, D.J., K.E. McIntush, C.A.M. Beitler, and D.L. Mamrosh. “Preventing or Extinguishing Molten Sulfur Tank and Pit Fires”. Presented at the 2020 Brimstone Sulfur Recovery Symposium. September 15-17, 2020. Virtual.


Sachde, D.J., K.E. McIntush, D.L. Mamrosh, and C.M. Beitler. “Caustic scrubbing of molten sulphur vent streams." In: Sulphur 389  (July / August 2020), pp. 32-39.


Mamrosh, D. February 24-27, 2020. “Part III – Glycol Dehydration Systems Design.” Presented at the Laurance Reid Gas Conditioning Conference in Norman, OK.


Mamrosh, D., D. Myers, D. Sachde, C. Beitler, and K. McIntush. February 25-28, 2019.  “Strategies for Short-Term H2S Removal.” Presented at the Laurance Reid Gas Conditioning Conference, Norman, OK.


Mamrosh, D., K. Fisher, A. Ryan, and A. Vance. April 15-18, 2018. “GPA Midstream Project 111: Comparison of GPA Midstream Data to Simulation Software Predictions.” Presented at the 2018 GPA Midstream Convention, Austin, TX.


Mamrosh, D., and P. Crevier. February 25, 2018. “Fundamentals -  Separation." Presented at the Laurance Reid Gas Conditioning Conference, Norman, OK.


McIntush, K., D. Mamrosh, C. Beitler, and K. Kitz. October 1-4, 2017. “Integrated Hybrid Cooling, Direct-Contact Condenser, and H2S Abatement to Lower Operating Costs and Increase Injection.” Presented at the Geothermal Resources Council Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. GRC Transactions 41:2488-2507.


McIntush, K.E., D. Mamrosh, D. Sachde, and C. Beitler. September 26-29, 2017. “Use of Caustic Scrubbers on Vent Streams from Molten Sulfur Storage and Shipping Equipment.” Presented at the 2017 Brimstone Sulfur Recovery Symposium, Vail, CO.


McIntush, K., D. Mamrosh, D. Sachde, and C. Beitler. March 19-21, 2017. “Characteristics of Sour Flare Gas Streams that Impact H2S Treatment Technologies.” Presented at the 2017 American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX. Paper AM-17-60.


Mamrosh, D., R. Jones, K. Fisher, and C. Wallace. February 27, 2017. “Technology Screening for Natural Gas Liquids Treatment.” Presented at the Laurance Reid Gas Conditioning Conference, Norman, OK.


Echt, B., D. Leppin, D. Mamrosh, D. Miradian, D. Seeger, and B. Warren. February 26, 2017. “ Fundamentals of Low-Tonnage Sulfur Removal and Recovery.” Presented at the Laurance Reid Gas Conditioning Conference, Norman, OK.


Kaplan, R., D. Mamrosh, S.H. Hafiz, S.A. Dastgheib, “Assessment of desalination technologies for treatment of a highly saline brine from a potential CO2 storage site”, Desalination, 404 (2017),  pp. 87-101.


McIntush, K., K. Fisher, D. Mamrosh, R. McKaskle, C Beitler, T. Fridriksson, P. Audinet, A. Mateos Merino, “Early-Phase Evaluation of CO2 Recovery at Geothermal Facilities, Presented at the Geothermal Resources Council Annual Meeting, Sacramento, CA, November 2016.  GRC Transactions, Vol. 40, 2016.


McIntush, K., D. Mamrosh, R. Jones, C.A. Beitler, “Alternatives to Flare Gas Recovery for Sour Gas”, presented at the 2016 American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 13-15 March 2016, paper AM-16-44.


McIntush, K., Mamrosh, D., Wallace, C., “Screening of Options for LPG Recovery from Refinery Fuel Gas Streams”, presented at the 2016 American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 13-15 March 2016, paper AM-16-65.


Mamrosh, D., Fisher, K., McIntush, K., McKaskle, R., Beitler, C. “Early-Phase Evaluation of CO2 Recovery at Geothermal Facilities”, Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP), The World Bank, October 2015.


Avery, J., B. Benn, K.E. McIntush, D. Mamrosh, C. Beitler, “Use of a Waste Heat Boiler to Capture Energy from Flammable Noncondensable Gas at Geothermal Power Plants”, Presented at Geothermal Resources Council Annual Meeting, September 2015.


McIntush, K.E., D. Mamrosh, C. Beitler, “Molten Sulfur Storage Tank Loading and Vapor Ejection Systems Review”, Presented at the 2015 Brimstone Sulfur Recovery Symposium, September 2015, Vail, CO.


Guvelioglu, G.H., J.E. Palamara, D.L. Mamrosh, P. Higginbotham, G. Arora, K.S. Fisher, “H2S Removal from CO2 by Distillation”, Presented at the 2015 Laurance Reid Gas Conditioning Conference 2015, Norman, OK, February 2015.


Mamrosh, D.L., K.E. McIntush, Douglas, A.E., Fisher, K.S., Júlíusson, B.M., Gunnarsson, I., Markússon, S.H., Matthíasdóttir, K.V., Arnarson, M. Þ., “Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide and Recovery of Carbon Dioxide from Geothermal Non-Condensable Gas Using Water”,  presented at Geothermal Resources Council Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, October 2014.


Mamrosh, D.L., K.E. McIntush, K. Fisher, “Caustic Scrubber Designs for H2S Removal from Refinery Gas Streams”, presented at the 2014 AFPM Annual Meeting, AM-14-48, March 2014.


Mamrosh, D.L., K.E. McIntush, K. Fisher, C.M. Beitler, “Caustic Scrubber Design for Refinery Fuel Gas, Sour Water Stripper Gas, and Other Refinery Applications”, presented at Laurance Reid Gas Conditioning Conference 2013, Norman, OK, February 2013.


Mamrosh, D.L., K.E. McIntush, C.M. Beitler, S.H. Markússon, K. Einarsson “Screening of H2S Abatement Options for Geothermal Noncondensable Gas at Bjarnarflag”, presented at Geothermal Resources Council Annual Meeting, Reno, NV, October 2012.


Benn, B., K.E. McIntush, C.M. Beitler, D.L. Mamrosh, O.E. Hileman, “Unit 14 / Sulphur Springs H2S Abatement Process Screening & Stretford Improvements Study – Part 3”, presented at Geothermal Resources Council Annual Meeting, October 2012.


McIntush, K.E., D. Mamrosh, K. Fisher, C.A.M. Beitler, “Caustic Scrubber Design for Refinery Fuel Gas, Sour Water Stripper Gas, and Other Refinery Applications”. Presented at the 2012 Brimstone Sulfur Recovery Symposium. September 11-14, 2012. Vail, CO.


Mamrosh, D., K. Fisher, J. Matthews, “Preparing Solubility Data for Use by the Gas Processing Industry: Updating Key Resources", presented at 2012 GPA Convention, New Orleans, LA, April 2012.


Benn, B., K.E. McIntush, C.M. Beitler, D.L. Mamrosh, O.E. Hileman, “Unit 14 / Sulphur Springs H2S Abatement Process Screening & Stretford Improvements Study – Part 2”, presented at Geothermal Resources Council Annual Meeting, October 2011.


Mamrosh, D., K. Fisher, “Solubility of CO2 and H2S in EG and TEG”, RR-209, Project 975-8, Gas Processors Association, July 2012.


Mamrosh, D., K. Fisher, “Methanol Solubility in Natural Gas”, RR-208, Project 975-7, Gas Processors Association, July 2011.


Mamrosh, D., K. Fisher, “Hydrocarbon Solubility in Glycol and Amine Solutions”, RR-206, Project 975-5, Gas Processors Association, May 2012.


Kendrick, C., K. McIntush, D. Mamrosh, C. Beitler, and O.E. Hileman. 2012. “Review of the Bottle Rock Power Stretford Unit to Prepare for Future Increases in Power Plant Throughput.”  GRC Transactions Vol. 36.


Benn, B., K. McIntush, C.M. Beitler, D.L. Mamrosh, and O.E. Hileman, “Unit 14 / Sulphur Springs H2S Abatement Process Screening and Stretford Improvements Study – Part 1”, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 34, pp 1209 – 1212, 2010 Annual Meeting, 24-27 October 2010.


Mamrosh, D.L., C.M. Beitler, K.E. McIntush, K.S. Fisher, and S. Stem, "Use of Caustic in a Short Contact Time Approach to Selectively Scrub H2S from CO2-Contaminated Gas Streams", Proceedings of the 59th Laurance Reid Gas Conditioning Conference, 22 February to 25 February 2009, Norman, Oklahoma, USA, pp. 445-459.


Granda C.B.; M.T. Holtzapple; G Luce; K Searcy; D.L. Mamrosh; “Carboxylate Platform: The MixAlco Process Part 2: Process Economics;” Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol.; Jan 28, 2009.


Mamrosh, D., C. Beitler, K. Fisher, S. Stem, “Consider improved scrubbing designs for acid gases”, Hydrocarbon Processing, January 2008, pp. 69-74.


D.L. Mamrosh, Gondek, P., Sathya, R., “Pharmaceutical Pilot Plant Off-Gas Scrubbing:  Performance in Diverse Applications,” Presented at the AIChE Spring Meeting 1999, Houston, TX.


D.L. Mamrosh, “Applying Process Simulation to Off-Gas Scrubbers,” Presented at the 1998 Midwest Simulation Symposium, November 1998, Abbott Park, IL.


Klanecky, D.A., D.L. Mamrosh, C.M. Worley, D.K. Arnold, S.A. Bedell, “Effects of Hydrogen Cyanide on Iron Chelate Based H2S Removal Processes”, AICHE Spring National Meeting, Houston, TX, 23 March 1995, paper 54D.


D.L. Mamrosh, M.C. Allen, “Status of the SulFerox Technology and Recent Developments, Presented at the 1994 GRI Sulfur Recovery Conference, May 1994, Austin, TX.


B.M. Fung, D.L. Mamrosh, E.A. O'Rear, C.B. Frech, and J. Afzal, “Unusual Micellar Properties of a New Class of Fluorinated Nonionic Surfactants,” J. Phys. Chem., 92, 1988, pp 4405 – 4411


Fung, B.M.; E.A. O'Rear; J. Afzal; C.B. Frech; D.L. Mamrosh; M. Gangoda; “Perfluorochemical Emulsions with Fluorinated Surfactants and Anticancer Drugs;” Biomater. Artif. Cells Artif. Organs; 1988; 16(1-3); pp. 439-440.